Andrew V. Schally (1926 - )

 Andrew V. SchallyAndrew V. Schally was born on November 30, 1926 in Wilno, Poland (now Lithuania). Schally fled Poland with his family in 1939. He attended the University of London and worked for three years at the National Institute for Medical Research in London before travelling to Montreal to enter McGill University. He graduated in 1955 and two years later took a Ph.D. in biochemistry.

From 1957 to 1962 he was associated with Baylor University in Houston, Texas, and in the latter year he became chief of endocrine and polypeptide laboratories at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in New Orleans. At the same time he joined the medical faculty of the Tulane University School of Medicine, becoming professor in 1967. He became senior medical investigator with the Veterans Administration in 1973. Schally became a U.S. citizen in 1962.

In 1977, Andrew V. Schally, Ph.D., Sc.D., MDHC, endocrinologist, clinical professor of medicine and chief of experimental medicine, was one of the recipients of the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology for his pioneering work in the field of peptide hormone research. Among Schally's chief accomplishments were the synthesis of TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone), the isolation and synthesis of LH-RH (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone), and studies of the action of somatostatin.

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